Dr. Bruce Greyson:意识是由大脑产生的吗?


Dr. Bruce Greyson,
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia.


Dr. Bruce Greyson教授的演讲内容要点:

1. It seems that brain can think and feel, but brain cell can't.


2. As Chris said yesterday, Scientist get around this problem by saying consciousness is an emergence properties of brain, a property done when there is emerging large number of masses of brain cells get together. What does that mean, we have no idea what that mean. Saying something as an emergence property, is a way of saying it is a mystery that we can't explain.


3. The materialistic understanding of the world, fails to deal with how an electrical impulse or chemical triggers in the brain can produce thoughts or feelings, or anything that the mind does. And yet despite having no idea about how it could work? Most neuroscientist still continue to maintain this 19th century materialistic view, that the brain in some miraculous way we don't understand produces consciousness. And they discount or ignore the evidence that consciousness in extreme circumstances can functions very well, without a brain.


4. This idea that the mind and the brain are separate things was what most the people believe until a couple of hundreds year ago. But in the 19th century, at least in the west, beginning of the Darwinian, physiological psychologist started to exploring the notion that the physical brain might be the source of all our thoughts and the emotion in due of all the consciousness. To the past century, psychologies has been moving towards the hard core materialism that characterise the 19th century physics, a physics based on classical Newtonian mechanics. They have been attempting to show the consciousness is nothing more than the working of a physical brain.


5. Physicist faced with overwhelming evidence were already moving away from materialistic view of universe to quantum physics, that could not be formulated without the reference of consciousness, playing as the independent role in the universe.


6. The price physicist pay in developing quantum physics was to acknowledge the consciousness as the fundamental aspect of existence, independent of matter. So to the question of the mind-brain relationship.


7. According to Buddhist teaching, consciousness can sustain itself without a brain, or even without any physical form. 19th century reductionist science view the consciousness as an emergence property that evolves with complex brain. But just as quantum physicist now view consciousness as irreducible component in the universe. So to scientific research in the past century has explored human experiences that suggested consciousness can function without a brain.

根据佛教的理论,意识可以自我支持,无需倚靠大脑,甚至任何物体。十九世纪还原论科学视“意识”为是由复杂大脑进化成的“突变性质”。但就像现今量子物理学家视“意识”为不可还原的宇宙部件,上世纪的科研在人类经历探索后, 提出了“意识可以没有大脑而运作”的建议。

8. Another challenging phenomena is the presence of normal or even higher intelligence in people who has little brain tissue. There are again rare but surprising cases of people who seems to function normally in life with normal intelligence, and normal social function, despite having virtually no brain at all. In one case published in 2007, a high school honour student who has been accepted by the Smith College, underwent surgery after she was injured and not in conscious in automobile accident. An x-ray on her head just before surgery, reveals that she has no cerebral cortex at all. She just has the brain stem in her skull. And when the surgeon opens up her skull and operating, that is exactly what he found, just the brain stem, with no cerebral cortex. Our best understanding of a normal brain is that the brain stem relays the motors and sensory signals to the cerebrum and spinal cord, and integrates heart function, breathing ... and other animal functions. But the brain stem has no connection to perform higher cognitive functions, like thinking, perceiving, making decision, and so on. That can only happens in the cerebral cortex which this young girl did not has. So this young college young honour student, according to our best understanding of brain, should have be completely unable to formulate any thoughts of any kind, left alone functioning at a high intellectual level.

手术前的X光片显示,她根本没有大脑皮层。她的颅内只有脑干。当外科医生打开她的头颅做手术时,发现真的如此。只有脑干,没有大脑皮层。根据我们对正常大脑最佳的理解,脑干是负责联系着运动及官感讯号到小脑及脊髓,以及整合心脏功能、呼吸、分别左右方向及其他动物功能。但脑干没有关系到较高等认识力功能的运作如思想、感受、做决定等等。 这些功能只会在这年轻女子所缺的大脑皮层出现。按照我们对大脑最佳的认识,这位准学院高中优异生应该不可以有任何形式的思想出现,更不用说可以达到如此高的智慧水平了。

9. 30 years ago, Lorber published an article in a prestige journal of science, entitle "Is your brain really necessary?" The brain on the left of the slide is a normal brain, the grey area is the cerebral cortex, the part of brain that think. And the lack area in the very center is cerebral spinal fluid in the center cabin. On the right is the brain of an adult with very severe hydrocephalus. The vast majority of his head is filled with cerebral spinal fluid, with only a very thin ridge of brain tissue pressed against the skull. Hardly enough to allow this person to live, left alone function normally according to the modern medical neuro science. However this particular brain scan of the person with hydrocephalus was actually from a graduate student in mathematics Cambridge University, with the IQ of 126.

三十年前,Lorber在一份很有威望的期刊——自然科学,发表了一篇文章题目是《大脑真是必要吗?》。幻灯片的左面是一正常脑的扫描,灰色的地方就是大脑皮层,负责思想的脑部分。中央黑色的地方就是在脑的空腔内的脑脊液。右边是患上严重脑水肿的成人的脑扫描。他的头绝大部分都充满了脑脊液。只有薄薄的一层脑组织压在颅壁上。以现今神经科医学的理论,这人根本就难以生存,更遑论正常地生活了。然而这特别的严重脑水肿的脑扫描是来自剑桥大学数学系的研究生。 他的智商达126。

10. Overwhelming majority (82%)of near death experiencer reports that they have stronger belief that they survive death of body. Just as many (86%) reports that there no longer any fear of death. About Half (53%) reported that they have completely lost interest in material possession. And many (37%) report that they no longer have any interest in personal prestige or status or competition.

绝大多数 (82%)瀕死经历者汇报他们更相信有死后的生命。同样多(86%)的人汇报他们不再害怕死亡。近一半 (53%)的人汇报他们完全失去了物质占有欲。又很多 (37%)汇报他们对各人声誉、地位及竞争不再有兴趣。

11. Some of you may be thinking, some of these people are now following the Buddha. They show more compassion, they tend to try to help others, they are less attached to material possession and status, but as the holiness pointed out yesterday, these values are not uniquely Buddhist. These are universal values, almost all spiritual traditions teaches compassions, and the transient of worldly rewards. These near death experiencers are not becoming more Buddhist, they are becoming more spiritual.


12. I want to highlight three particular features of near death experience, that particularly suggest that consciousness is not produced by the brain. These 3 features of near death experiences are (1) Clear thinking perception and memory while the brain is incapacitated. (2) Accurate perception from a visual perspective outside the physical body, and (3) Encountered with the deceased persons who conveyed accurate information that no one else could have known, including in some cases, encountered with the deceased person who was not known at the time who has died, or not known by the experiencer at all. Perhaps the most important and the most common is the first.


13. In 1982, an American cardiologist Michal Sabom published a study in which he asked the near death experiencers who have reported leaving their body during CPR to describe in detail what they have seem. He also asked a matched group of seasoned cardiac patients to imagine watching their resuscitation and tried to describe it from a third person perspective. 80% of matched group who did not have near death experiences make major errors in their descriptions. None of the near death experiencers made any errors.

在1982年美国心脏专科医生Michael Sabom在美国心刊登了一分研究报告。在此他要求濒死经历者,在心肺复甦过程种有“身处体外”经历的汇报他们看到的事物。他要求一个相配的心脏病常发者群体,从一个第三者的视野中想象他们在复甦及尝试记录。

14. A few years ago, the Welsh intensive care nurse Penny Sartori published a five year study, in which she replicated the same findings. She found that all the near death experiencers who claimed to left their bodies, describes accurate resuscitation scenario. Who has all the cardiac arrest survivors who does not have near death experiences gave incorrect description of the equipment and the procedures.

几年前微尔士医疗所护士Penny Sartori刊登了一个五年研究报告有关复制Sabom的发现。

15. An American paediatrician Dr. K.M. Dale treated a nine years boy with meningitis who had a near death for 36 hours before his fever finally broke. During those 36 hours, he was surrounded by his anxious parents, who never left his hospital bed. When his fever finally broke, as soon as he opened his eyes, the boy described having gone to  heaven where he saw several deceased relatives. And then he added he also seen his sister Theresa who told him that he has to go back to his body, now the boy's father got very upset when he heard it, because his daughter was in college 1500 km away in another state and was perfectly healthy. But the boy insisted that Theresa has sent him back and told him that she has to stay there. His father then left the hospital promising his wife that he will call the daughter as soon as he got home. But when he tried to telephone Theresa, he learnt that the college officer has been trying unsuccessfully all night to reach the family, to tell them tragically that Theresa has been killed around mid-night in an automobile accident.

美国一个儿科医生Dr. K.M. Dale救治过一个患脑膜炎的九岁男孩。在这36小时中,他焦急的父母一直守在他身边,没有离开过。这男孩在发烧终于退去及张开眼睛后,马上描述到了天堂及看到几位已亡的亲人。他跟着说,他同时见到他姐姐杜丽莎叫他返回他的身体。男孩的父亲听后心情烦躁,因为他的女儿正在1500公里外的另一个州念大学,健康良好。但男孩坚持说是特丽莎送他回来,同时她说她必须留下。

16. In University of Virginia, we have studied more than 2416 cases of the very young children who spontaneously started talking about their past life. About half of these cases lived in Asia....They usually began to speak about these past life memory between age of 2 and 5 years, and in most cases, those memory tends to fade between the age of 6 to 9 years... The average time that passed between the death and the past life and the birth of the presence life is twelve years.


17. There is tremendous resistance among the western scientist to the idea that consciousness and brain are separate because most of the western science is built on this materialistic model. The materialistic of looking at things has produced many good things to our society. The problem is that many scientist confused the materialistic philosophy with the scientific method, and all the great things that we enjoyed from modern technology is the result of scientific methods, not necessary of materialistic philosophy. But they have been linked so tightly together in the past several hundreds of years, that is hard for scientist to think of a science without materialism.

西方科学佳对“意识和大脑是独立体”这想法有庞大的抗拒,因为大部分西方科学家是建筑在唯物论的范式。这唯物论的看法带给我们社会很多好处。但问题是,很多科学家把“唯物主义”和“科学主义”混淆了。所有由现代科技带给我们的好东西源自的是“科学方法”。而不一定是“唯物主义”。但这两者在过去数百年来 已紧密相连,致令科学家难以在“唯物论”以外想象“科学”。

18. And there is change in the last century among modern theoretical physicist. They studied things that can't be seem, or felt or measured directly. Particles that are so small and last only a short period of time that they cannot be seen or cannot be measured. So what they do is they shoot these particles through the what is called the bubble chamber, is a pack of bottled liquids. As the particle goes through the liquids, it leaves a trail of bubbles, so you measures the effects of the particles, but you can't measure the particle. You assume that there is a particle there produces the bubbles. And from the trail of bubbles you can learnt a lot about these particles that can't be seem.


19. In the same way, the thing that we talk about, consciousness cannot be seem, but it does leave effects. Consciousness leave the trail of bubbles that we can follow, and through the effects, we can make inferences about  consciousness.

